Declarative User Interface Paradigm Considered Harmful
This article sums up my research on the history and merits of the Declarative User Interface paradigm.
This article sums up my research on the history and merits of the Declarative User Interface paradigm.
Description of TechYourChance Corporate Membership benefits and target audience.
A summary and a set of guidelines for choosing the optimal approach for Background Work in your Android application.
Coverage of the main use cases of WorkManager framework and a step-by-step tutorial of WorkManager integration into Android application.
Explanation of the rationale behind Foreground Service in Android and a step-by-step tutorial of Foreground Service implementation.
A guide to integration of C/C++ source code into an Android application using Android NDK toolkit.
Step by step tutorial of cleanly designed biometric authentication in an Android application.
My tribute to Java, which, for a very long time, was the main language for Android development, and can still kick ass even today.
Summary of the most notable events and trends that took place in Android development ecosystem in 2022.
A guide to kiosk apps and custom mobile-device-management solutions in Android, including the discussion of the associated trade-offs.