SOLID Principles of Object-Oriented Design and Architecture

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In this course you will learn everything about SOLID principles, their fundamental theory, their use cases and their historical origins.

SOLID are the most widely known principles of object-oriented design and you probably heard this acronym in the past. Maybe you even think that you know what these principles mean. However, is it really the case?

Unfortunately, most resources about SOLID principles explain them in just one-two sentences and then show trivial examples to demonstrate their application. These explanations are simple to understand, but they don’t give you the tools to acutally apply SOLID in your own projects.

I find it very unfortunate that so many developers don’t understand SOLID principles because I know that they’re very useful in practice. So, I created this advanced course to explain what they really are. There are no naive explanations here. There are no trivial examples. Instead, this course dives into the depth of software design and uses real examples from my own practice to demonstrate how application of SOLID principles can improve your projects.

Since I’m also a bit of a history nerd, this course also covers the history of SOLID principles. I think it’s very interesting and insightful to see where SOLID principles came from, and learn a bit about the people who contributed to this important body of knowledge.

As TechYourChance member, you’ll be invited to a private community forum where you can ask questions about the course and about your own professional projects.

You can watch the free lessons below to start the course and see if you like it.

Course Content

Section 1: Introduction
Section 2: Single Responsibility Principle
Section 3: Abstractions
Section 4: Open Closed Principle
Section 5: Liskov Substitution Principle
Section 6: Interface Segregation Principle
Section 7: Dependency Inversion Principle
Section 8: Summary